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2023 New England Spring Symposium Recap

The 2023 New England Spring Symposium with Tik and Sinead Maynard was a huge success! This year’s new three-day format offered an even more in-depth feel for riders and auditors, who were able to take in seven hours per day of teaching and riding in two rings, along with morning and afternoon talks, and two evening Q and A sessions. Here’s what the attendees had to say about their experiences:

Positive Learning Environment

"The depth of knowledge and genuine care/thought the clinicians brought to each session and talk was wonderful. Everything was extremely positive and done with intention. I really loved seeing such a consistent and caring message throughout the entire weekend; Tik and Sinead treated both horses and riders with deep empathy and grace, and everyone really thrived." -Lucy H.

"Tik’s training tips all made sense to me, and I feel I would be able to take that info and put it into practice. Sinead’s tips were also excellent. Even from the sidelines, it was clear that she saw the right answer to assist the riders." -Linda T.

"I think the most beneficial part of the clinic for me was seeing Tik teach live and watch with my barn as well as other like-minded equestrians! So many things we do is virtual these days, and it was so nice to be watching live with a community!" -Nicole D.

“I audited this clinic in 2021 and always wanted to return with my horse. Tik and Sinead are so skillful at meeting each horse and rider where they are in their journey and providing exercises, ideas, and homework that are really impactful on many levels in the clinic and for the long term. I finally returned this year to ride with my new horse, and it was everything I had hoped it would be!” -Alison M.

Build Connection and Maintain Calm

“How inspiring to watch the riders working with Tik and Sinead to improve their connection with their horses. With close attention, they were deepening their understanding of how to read even the muscles of the horses to indicate anxiety or tension of any kind and then how to help them both relax and increase their joy in the collaboration. This was our first opportunity to attend a symposium. We’re already looking forward to the next time!” -Dianne P.

“Every ride since the Symposium I hear both Tik and Sinead saying, ‘Keep my horse at a three,’ that's where they are learning. Now when Bubba gets over a ‘three,’ I bring him back down. It has helped us tremendously.” -Connie D.

"I found it most beneficial to see how patient Tik is and how pleased he is with even the smallest amount of trying from a horse. Helped me to realize how beneficial it will be to go slow with my two-year-old." -Heidi S.

"The ability to do cool things and compete while maintaining such a calm environment was amazing. This weekend finally connected groundwork to eventing, which has been a missing link for me." -Caleb S.

A big thank you to Tik, Sinead, the participants, and sponsors for making this year’s symposium such a wonderful learning experience. We’re already excited for next year!

Photography provided by Taylor Marie Images.


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